Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Tibidabo Park

If the views from the Castell de Monjuic are good, tose from the 550-metre heights of Mount Tibdabo- wich foms the northwestern boundary of the city- are Legendary. On of tose mythical clear days you can see across to Montserrat and the Pyreness, and out to sea even a far as Mallorca. The very name is based on this view, taken from the Temptations of the Christ in the wilderness, when Satan led him to a high place and offered him everything which could be seen: Haec omnia tibi dabo si cadens aboraberis me. (All the things Hill I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me).
At the summit there´s a modern church topped with a huge statue of Christ, and a wonderful Parc d´Atraccions, where the amusements are scattered around several leves of the mountaintop, connected by landscaped paths and gardens. It´s a good mix of tradicional rides and hightech attractions.

Getting there: Take the FGC train (Tibidabo line) or bus #17 (both from Plaza Catalunya) to Avenguda Tibidabo (the last stop).

The Horta labyrinth

The Horta labyrinth Park (El Laberinto de la Horta) garden is the oldest existing in Barcelona. The park features a neoclassical garden and a romantic garden, but the biggest attraction of the park is the labyrinth, formed by several ciprés.
It was built during the 18th century by the architect Domenico Bagutti to design a landscape for Antoni Desvalls. In 1971, the park was given to the city, as the family could no longer keep up with such a garden. It is 17 acres of romantic green gardens, waterfalls, statues, and a labryrinth in the middle.The Labryrinth has many mythological creatures around the park.
The park opens every day at 10 am until sunset. It costs 3 euros to enter, however on Sunday and Wednesday it is free.

Have you seen the film ‘Perfume’? The story is set in 18th-century France, but in fact it was shot in many different places of Barcelona, including Laberint d’Horta, and Plaça Reial, Catedral de Barcelona, Barri Gòtic, Plaça Sant Felip Neri and Poble Espanyol.

The Horta Labyrinth Park It’s located in a neighbourhood called Horta. You can get there with the green line, Mundet station.

Palau de la Musica Catalana

Not strictly within the borders of La Ribera but north of the Calle Princesa in the La Pere district, the Palau de la Música is, for many, the most outstanding contribution of the moderniste movement.

Declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997, it was designed by Lluis Domènech i Montaner, a contemporary of Gaudí's also responsible for the magnificent Hospital Sant Pau. A riot of symbolism, the Palau de la Música Catalana, constructed between 1905 and 1908, is a feast for the senses.In 2003 local architect Oscar Tusquets completed his sensitive extension of El Palau, providing extra rehearsal space, a library, and another, underground auditorium.

It is worth checking their program when in town; concerts range from international orchestras and soloists to jazz and sometimes world music. Tickets for local acts are often very reasonably priced. If not, there are daily tours of the building . Advance purchase for these is recommended.

A wonderful place to spend a Sunday morning listening to wonderful music surounded by incredible architecture.

Address: Career de Sant Francesc de Paula 2, Barcelona
Metro station: Urquinaona