Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Real Madrid - FC Barcelona, coming Saturday at 22:00h in the Bernabeu in Madrid! The two most important teams in the Spanish league will meet this Saturday in a probably decisive match for this years cup. Both teams sum a range of victories and are already at the incredible level of 77 points, leaving number 3 in the league Valencia at 21 points distance! If they continue this pace (well, one of them as next week one will suffer!!), they will reach the historical high of 101 points in one single season! Madrid is leading the table due to a advantaqge in goal average: They have a positive saldo of 57 goials where Barcelona "only" has 56.... So again, the upcoming match is a decisive one!

In Barcelona there are many pubs offering the match but if you want to see it you'd better make a reservation! These events are not only sold-out in thre stadiums but also in the bars! Hurry, and you won't miss it!