Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Tibidabo Park

If the views from the Castell de Monjuic are good, tose from the 550-metre heights of Mount Tibdabo- wich foms the northwestern boundary of the city- are Legendary. On of tose mythical clear days you can see across to Montserrat and the Pyreness, and out to sea even a far as Mallorca. The very name is based on this view, taken from the Temptations of the Christ in the wilderness, when Satan led him to a high place and offered him everything which could be seen: Haec omnia tibi dabo si cadens aboraberis me. (All the things Hill I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me).
At the summit there´s a modern church topped with a huge statue of Christ, and a wonderful Parc d´Atraccions, where the amusements are scattered around several leves of the mountaintop, connected by landscaped paths and gardens. It´s a good mix of tradicional rides and hightech attractions.

Getting there: Take the FGC train (Tibidabo line) or bus #17 (both from Plaza Catalunya) to Avenguda Tibidabo (the last stop).

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