Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011


The Barri Gòtic begins in the Plaça Catalunya, the oldest square of Barcelona where, in the 13th century, one of the most flourishing markets in the city was held and slaves were once sold.

Two Romans towers that formed part of the old city walls and constituted the city's only defense until the 13th century are still to be found here.

The Palau Episcopal which rises to the right of the Roman towers also dates to the 13th century and creates an interesting contrast with the modern Col·legi d'Arquitectes, decorated on the outside with a graffito frieze designed by Picasso. To the left of the Roman towers is another interesting building, the Casa de l'Arcadia (at the present seat of the hitorical Archives of the City and the Historical Institute of Barcelona), which takes its name from the fact that it was the residence of the archdeacon. The building which is probably dates from the 11th century, was restructured throughout the centuries and is a harmonious fusion of Gothic and renaissance styles. One of the three façades of the palace looks out on the Carrer del Bisbe Irurita, the heart of the Barri Gòtic, which skirts the side of the Cathedral and ends in the Plaça Sant Jaume.

About halfway along, this lovely street is crossed by a charming suspended bridge connecting the Palau de la Generalitat to the second façade of the Casa dels Canonges.

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