Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

La Cursa de la Merçe

This Sunday 18th September 2011 - from around at 09.30 in Avenida de Rius i Taulet will start the Cursa de la Merçe, 10km running for all the city!

More than 14,000 people will be part of this great sporting event as every year takes place at the same time with great and most popular festival "La Mercé".

This year, the race is more united than ever, the registration fee is 5 euros, an symbolic amount that will be used integrament to the Mozambique's project where UNICEF is collaborating in the education of children in this African country.

The map of route of La Cursa de La Merce Route 2011:
START: Avenida Rius i Taulet - C. Lleida - c. Tamarit - c. d'Entença - Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes - c. Navy - c. d'Ausias Marc - pl. d'Urquinaona - rda. Sant Pere - pl. de Catalunya - rda. Universitat - pl. Universitat - rda. Sant Antoni - c. Sepulveda - av. Paral • lel (Besòs costata) - av. Paral • lel (costata Llobregat) - pl. d'Espanya - FINISH: Avda Reina Maria Cristina.

Fuente: the yellow pages / web de la ciudad de barcelona