Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

Antoni Tapies Museum Opened Yestarday

Yesterday, with the reopening after 2 years of architectural reform, the Foundation Antoni Tapies emphasizes a new stage of development of this line of work: to be confirmed as space research of differents disciplines and exhibitions, and as a center reference to conservation, reseach and dissemination of the work of Antoni Tapies.

This Museum and Fundation is located in Aragó street number 255 (at only 50 meters from Casa Batlló).
Is open between Tuesday to Sunday from 10 in the morning until 20hs. The ticket cost 7,00€

This first 3 days, they open this space for free visits. (als días 5,6 y 7 of march)