Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

martes, 19 de enero de 2010

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Will you take the challenge?

In Barcelona you can find this sexys graffitis, they are "hidden" in various walls of the old city center like the "Barrio Gotico", "Borne" or the "Raval". You'll be surprised to find these grafitis in places that you would not expect! Do you think you can find them? Try it and if you show us a foto we'll reward you with a bottle of cool Cava!

Do you dare to take a dinner in the dark?

We find this news in our city:

The restaurant "Dans le Noir?" inaugurates this new year in Barcelona one of its unique places where customers are served in blind darkness. In this environment, the waiters become the guides of their guests, who are forced to enjoy the taste of the food without seeing what exactly they are eating.

"Dans le Noir?" is located in Passeig Picasso 10 near Parque Ciutadella.

Do you dare to take the dinner in the dark?