Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

Palau Reial

The Palau Reial, located at the Diagonal (metro L3 - green line, the stop is called Palau Reial and is the second to last stop in the direction Zona Universitaria), was part of the antique "Finca Güell" before being transferred to the Spanish Royal Family for their visits to Barcelona.

The Palau Reial contains two unusual interesting museums: The Museum of Decorative Arts and Ceramics Museum, wich offers exhibits ranging from ancient Arab pottery to pieces by Picasso and Miró.

If you come during the spring it is very nice for a walk in the morning. It's maybe a 30-45 minutes walt through. It opens at 9:00hs and is free but it is some what far away from everything.

(Thank you Toby Hammond...again!)

Tibidabo: amazing views of Barcelona

Tibidabo is located on the top of the mountain behind Barcelona. There is a large chruch on the top overlooking all of Barcelona and it's surrounding cities.

The view is spectacular but be warmed there are a lot of stairs!!

It cots 4€ for the funicular (a type of railcar that goes to the top of the mountain), 2€ to pay for the elevator if you want to go all the way to the top of the church, and cost of ride in the metro.
The easisets way to get to the top I found, is to take the L7 (brown line) until the last stop called "Avinguda Tibidabo" and then there's a type of bus stop for the Tram or if the tram isn't running a bus will come. The stop is across the street from the exit of the metro but ask around and they will point you in the right direction.
If the funicular isn't running and you're not sure about the bus, DO NOT try and walk. Trust me I tried...

If you have the chance to be in Barcelona after it rains that would be the perfect time to visit the church because the view is cristal clear.

Thanks Toby Hammond for the tip!!