Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

sábado, 2 de enero de 2010

My first blog....and entry

Already some time ago we started a small Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona. Crisis made us to have new ideas and be creative in the survival of rough times. We enjoyed it, to our own surprise! This was not something to do aside, but so rewarding type of work that you can hardly call it work. As a traveller by obligation, I always liked better the cosy inns then the top-notch hotels with their outragouos prices. So, together with my wife we thought to create a Bed and Breakfast that we would like ourselfes: Cozy, clean, easy-going and -last-but-not-least- for a reasonable price!
So that's what we did! Now, a year and a half later we are proud to announce our two little creatures: and Both live under the umbrella of the site. We're happy to be your host in your next stay in Barcelona!