Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

lunes, 3 de enero de 2011

The Magic Kings arrives at Barcelona!

Next 5th of january, the "Magic Kings" or the "Reyes Magos" arrives at Barcelona to bring a lot of gifts to the good boys and coal to the bad ones!

They will arrive like every year by ship at 16.30h on the Moll de la Fusta near Maremagnuma with the royal party and reception ceremony.

At 18.30 am they will start the parade from the Marqués de l'Argentera for Via Laietana, pl. Urquinaona, pl. de Catalunya, pl. Universitat, Ronda de Sant Antoni, Sepúlveda, Vilamarí, Lleida until Av. Rius i Taulet.

This parade will be full of excitement, colors, songs and dances that help to preserve the magic of this special day.