Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

MACBA The Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art

The history of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA) goes back to 1959 when art critic Alexandre Cirici Pellicer championed the idea of creating a museum of contemporary art in Barcelona. Cirici and Cesáreo Rodríguez Aguilera headed a group which began to gather together a collection which would serve as the foundation of the future museum; an active platform for irradiating contemporary art.

The MACBA, designed by American architect Richard Meier. His architecture is clearly based on rationalism and alludes to the masters of Modern Architecture, particularly Le Corbusier, by combining straight and curved lines to establish a dialogue between interior space and exterior illumination which filters into the galleries through large skylights.

The MACBA Foundation manages the permanent collection, which dates from the mid-20th century onward. There are three periods of modern art represented: the first one covers the forties to the sixties; the second spans the sixties and seventies; the third period is contemporary. The collections focus on post-1945 Catalan and Spanish art, although some International artists are also represented.

MACBA is situated in Plaça dels Angels 1. The closest metro stations are Catalunya and Universitat.
Opposite the main museum, in the medieval Convent dels Àngels for which the square is named, a chapel has been converted into a separate exposition area known as the Capella del MACBA, with regular video art performances. Entrance to this part of the museum is free. Another contemporary art museum, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), is adjacent to MACBA, and accessible both from the street and from the inner patio.

The surrounding square and architecture outside of the museum is among the most well-known and respected places for modern skateboarding. Together with surrounding places in Barcelona, it is a meeting ground in youth culture due to its reputation in the world of skateboarding photography and cinema.