Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

The Poble Espanyol

The Poble Espanyol, or Spanish Village, was built in 1929 for Barcelona's International Exhibition as a pavilion dedicated to art.
It is one of the few surviving landmarks from a world fair that is still open as a visitor attraction.
The Poble Espanyool is an open-air architecture museum and features replicas of 117 buildings, streets and squares from around Spain. Declarated an Area of Craft Interest, it is home to 40 crafts worshops where you can see artworks being created in situ.
The Poble Espanyol is also home to the Fran Daurel Collection, the Sculpture Garden and a monumental sculpture by Josep Guinovart. It also has a wide range of shops and restaurants.

The Poble Espanyol is open:
Mon: 9:00hs to 20:00hs
Tues to Thu: 9:00hs to 2:00hs
Frid: 9:00hs to 4:00hs
Sat: 9:00hs to 5:00hs
Sun: 9:00hs to 00:00hs
The normal price is 8,90€, but they have disocunt for students, family, pensioners and childrens.
It is located in Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia 13, in the Montjuic.
Fuente: Barcelona turisme