Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Fútbol Club Barcelona

On 1899, Hans Gamper founded Futbol Club Barcelona, along with eleven other enthusiasts of "foot-ball", a game that was still largely unknown in this part of the word.

The old Les Corts ground, inaugurated in 1922, was remodelled several times in order to find room for Barça's constantly growing fan base. After the Sapnis Civil War, the club started attracting more and more members every year, which also meant a considerably larger number of spectators of matches. Finally in 1957 was was inaugurated the new stadium.

If you want to visit the Camp Nou Tour and Museum, you can do it from Monday to Saturday from 10 to 20hs. Camp Nou Tour until one hour before the museum closes. Sundays is open from 10 to 14.30hs. The prices is 17€ for adults and 14€ for children up to 13 years old.

If you want to buy tickets for a match, you can do it in the web of Barça or in the ATM La Caixa. The prices depends of the match. If you need help to do it, please let us know!!!

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