Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Thursday free entrance in Joan Miro Museum

The Joan Miró Foundation was the first public institution in Barcelona to focus on contemporary art. Now they have included 17 new original works on paper, which come from the trust of the Miró family. To celebrate the new works they also offer free visits every Thursday afternoon.
Miró's works can also be seen in public places, like the Parc Joan Miró near Plaça Espanya, and in museums and galleries around the world.

The Joan Miró Museum is located in the Parc of Montjuic. You can arrive there by bus (number 50, 55 and 193 from Plaça Espanya), or by Funicular from the Paral·lel metro station.

The opening times are:
  • Tuesday to Saturday from 10hs to 19hs (October to June) or 10hs to 20hs (July to September)
  • Thursday 10hs to 21:30hs,
  • Sunday and holidays 10hs to 14:30hs
Entrence fee is 8,50€

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Feria de Abril en Barcelona

From 23th of April to 2nd of May, in the Forum we celebrate the Feria de Abril.

The Feria de Abril is a festival open to all who want to enjoy a living space. it's a popular event for all who want to remember at all the Catalans their origins Andaluz and Flamenco.
The Feria de Abril will opne with the "Grup Cal Bolavà de Calafell", who will dance and play the castanets. This set consists of 40 women from diverse communities and even countries like Sweden and Holland.
The entrance to the booth are free, visitors taking the opportunity to see performances by arts groups and shows.
The schedule is:
Friday 23th april from 18:00 to 4:15hs
Every day from 18:00 to 2:00hs
Saturday from 10:00 to 4:15hs
Sunday 25th April from 10:00 to 2:00hs
Friday 30th April from 10:00 to 4:15hs
Sunday 2nd May from 10:00 to 22:00hs
You can arrive by:
-Metro line 4 (yellow), the stop is call "Maresme-Forum"
-Bus, line 7, 36, 41, 43 y 141
-Special bus from Plaça Catalunya to Forum (from 22hs to 5:30hs)

In this festival you can enjoy of the

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Sant Jordi a Barcelona the 24th of April

Like every year in Catalunya, and of course in Barcelona as well, the famous feast of Sant Jordi will be held on 23 and 24 of April. The city will be full of books and flowers. Tradition says that the men should give the women a rose and the woman a book to the men.

Some history:

Sant Jordi, knight and martyr, is the hero of a great history situated around the Montblanc.

A fierce and terrible monster was reacvhing the outskirts Montblanc, which had the powers to walk, fly and swing and to kill all breating beings.

The people thought that if they'd offer this monster each day a living person, it would not ruin right and left at will. Every day they picked at random a persom amongst all residents of the town, and that person would be delivered to the beast. This went on for a while and the monster was satisfied.
One day the fate wanted it to be the daugther of the king to be offered to the monster. There were citizens who volunteered to replace her, but the king was inexorable and severe, and with a heart full of grief he told his people that his daughter was also a resident of the town and would thus serve to offer to the beast. And so the princess was to be sacrified.

The girl was out the town and started walking toward the monster's lair. After some walking a young knight riding a white horse and golden armor presented himself to her. The princess told him to flee quickly since there was a fierce beast that wanted to eat all. The gentleman told her not to fea, as he had come for the purpose to fight the monster, kill him and liberate the princess -and all the citizens of Montblanc of this faith.
When the beast came, the princess was terrified though the knight felt stronger than ever, especially as he was defending this princess. The knight launced his spade and badly hurt the monster, bleeding him slowly and painfully to a miserable death. The knight, whos name was Jordi, tied the beast by the neck with a rope and returned with the princess and his prey to Montblanc. The king, so happy with the return of his daughter, offered the knight the hand of his daughter but Knight Jordi replied that he did not deserve such honor.

Then, Knight Jordi mysteriously disappeared, just he had appeared. Since then he lives in the heart of all Catalan people as Sant Jordi.

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Fútbol Club Barcelona

On 1899, Hans Gamper founded Futbol Club Barcelona, along with eleven other enthusiasts of "foot-ball", a game that was still largely unknown in this part of the word.

The old Les Corts ground, inaugurated in 1922, was remodelled several times in order to find room for Barça's constantly growing fan base. After the Sapnis Civil War, the club started attracting more and more members every year, which also meant a considerably larger number of spectators of matches. Finally in 1957 was was inaugurated the new stadium.

If you want to visit the Camp Nou Tour and Museum, you can do it from Monday to Saturday from 10 to 20hs. Camp Nou Tour until one hour before the museum closes. Sundays is open from 10 to 14.30hs. The prices is 17€ for adults and 14€ for children up to 13 years old.

If you want to buy tickets for a match, you can do it in the web of Barça or in the ATM La Caixa. The prices depends of the match. If you need help to do it, please let us know!!!

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Pan con Tomate / Bread with Tomatoe

Or rather "Pa amb Tòmaquet" is a typical dish in Barcelona and all Catalunya. It's a toast bread spread with garlic, tomatoes, salt and olive oil.
The legend says that during the Civil War in Spain, the people did not have fresh bread every day, so they slathered it with tomatoe to make it softer and less dry.
There is also another legend that says that the Catalans people are so stingy, in order not to make bread every day, they rubbed leftovers of the previus days with tomatoe and olive oil so that it seems more fresh and soft.
In any case we recommend to take this typical dish in every one of the restuarants and bars in Barcelona.

lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Real Madrid - FC Barcelona, coming Saturday at 22:00h in the Bernabeu in Madrid! The two most important teams in the Spanish league will meet this Saturday in a probably decisive match for this years cup. Both teams sum a range of victories and are already at the incredible level of 77 points, leaving number 3 in the league Valencia at 21 points distance! If they continue this pace (well, one of them as next week one will suffer!!), they will reach the historical high of 101 points in one single season! Madrid is leading the table due to a advantaqge in goal average: They have a positive saldo of 57 goials where Barcelona "only" has 56.... So again, the upcoming match is a decisive one!

In Barcelona there are many pubs offering the match but if you want to see it you'd better make a reservation! These events are not only sold-out in thre stadiums but also in the bars! Hurry, and you won't miss it!