Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Free concerts

Every Thursday, until the 18th of March, the "Conservatori Municipal de Barcelona" offer free concerts for all.
These concerts start every Thursday at 20hs and different musicions offer their musics to us with piano plays from Beethoven, duets or soprane-piano.
It's not possible to make a reservation for this event. So we recommend be there around 19:30hs or earlier to get the free tickets and assure a seat.
The "conservatori Municipal de Barcelona" is located in the Eixample district, in the Bruc street number 110 (in the corner with Valencia street). if you want more info, you can call at 0034 934584303 or by mail at

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