Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

Carnaval in Barcelona

In the markets, schools, streets, in every where breathes the Carnaval.
The highlights begin this Thursday and stretched until next week. Botifarrada, "tortilla" competitions, fancy dress, "entierro de la sardina"...Everything you do in your district you will find the website of Carnival!

Barcelona live a magical weekend with the Festival of "Santa Eulalia" and the carnival of Barcelona.

The highlight of the Carnival will be Thursday with the start of the festival, Saturday with the big parade from 20:00hs to Avenida del Paralell, and next Wednesday with the "entierro de la sardina" which mark the end of the party.

Like every year, the City Council has put online the Carnival website to find all the information to enjoy this festival in your neighborhood and your district.

Dress up and leave the neighborhood!!!!

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