Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010

What to do for New Years eve in Barcelona?

If you are in Barcelona during the New Year’s eve, we suggest some ideas about where to go.

Go to a restaurante can be a nice idea, but you have to know that so many people celebrate the New year in Barcelona in restaurantes. for that we recommend to make a reservation before.
Some good resturantes near our Bed and Breakfast can be a nice choose for this special night:

Near BBB - Jardinets we recommended:
El Rústico in Terol street number 39 in Gracia
L'Anxoveta in Sant Domènec street number 16 in Gracia

Near BBB - Casanova can be:
Vinya-Roel in Villaroel street number 190 in Eixample
El Velodromo in Muntaner street corner with Passatge Pellicer in Eixample

Close to Casa Maca:
Club Solo in Passatge Concepció in Eixample
La Musclería in Bruc street corner with Mallorca street in Eixample

At 12 o’clock everyone eats 12 grapes at every ring of the clock at midnight and if you do it succesfully, you can make a wish for New Year.

This year, the weather help to spend the time waiting for the New Year on the street, the people meet every year in Plaça Catalunya or Plaça Reial to eat the grapes and say hello to 2012. Don't forget to bring the cava and the grapes!

After that, everything are in your hands! All the bars and clubs will be open, full of people, you only have to choose one!

Some suggestions:

Sala Apolo
Harlem Jazz Club

We wish you a Happy New Year!

martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

BBB - Casanova Guest House

We renovated the rooms...every day we try to make something more cozy our house.

In BBB - Casanova Guest House, Fabiola and Juan help us in this tired (and dirty!) job!

martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

We're renovating our Bed and Breakfast!!!

Thanks to Mauricio and Fabiola (our hosts in BBB-Jardinets and BBB-Casanova) we have renovated our rooms.

we want to invite you to visit us and check it!

There is only a example of the work that they are doing.

lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

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Miquel Barceló. La solitude organisative

The exhibition gives the viewer the opportunity to understand the mystery, adrenalin and personal uncertainties behind Miquel Barceló's creative process.

It brings together more than 180 works, from the huge canavesses created since 1983, to more recent works, as well as ceramics, sculptures, watercolours, drawings, posters, books and travel diaries.

You can visit it until 9th of January 2011 in Caixa Forum, situated near plaça Espanya.

Font: magazine of BCN

viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

Barcelona World Race

The Barcelona World Race is the first only double-handed (two-crew) regatta around the world. This is a non-stop regatta with some outside assistance permitted, although subject to rules and penalties.

The start will be given on 31st of December 2010 at 13:00 (local time GMT+1) opposite Hotel W in the Port of Barcelona. The arrival of the leading entries is forecast for the end of March 2011.

The course is from Barcelona to Barcelona via three capes: Good Hope, Leeuwin and Horn, Cook Strait, putting Antarctica to starboard. The length of the course is approximately 25,000 nautical miles (46,300 km) along the Great Circle line, the shortest route traced on a map across the world.
Fuente: Barcelona World Race oficial website

miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Christmas lights in the barcelona's streets

Like every year, Barcelona fills the streets of lights to welcome the Christmas and New Year. This year, more than 60km of brightly colored lights will make you feel immersed in a world of fantasy.

Take the advantage of the night to go out and enjoy it!

sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010

Fira de Santa Llucia

This Fira of Santa Llucia begins in late November or early December, with more than 270 stands ordered by sectors depending on what they sell (Nativities and figures, greenery, and crafts) and located in front of the Pla de la Seu (the Cathedral square), on Avinguda de la Catedral.
The sellers offer you, as they have for time out of mind, all the products you need to decorate your home for the Christmas season, and will give you a warm welcome in the hope that you will visit the Fira as often as you want as cheerfully and enthusiastically as them.

Working days: from 10:30 to 20:30
Holidays and vigils: from 10:30 to 21:30