Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Sagrada Familia

The expiatory church of La Sagrada Família is a work on a grand scale which was begun on 1882. At the end of 1883 Gaudí was commissioned to carry on the works, a task which he did not abandon until his death in 1926. Since then different architects have continued the work after his original idea.

It has always been an expiatory church, which means that since the outset, 125 years ago now, it has been built from donations. The building is still going on and could be finished some time in the first third of the 21st century.

The normal tiquet cost 12,00€ and the tiquet to visit the church and the museum cost 14,00€

It's open from:

October to March, 9.00 to 18.00 h
April to September, 9.00 to 20.00 h
* 25 and 26 December – 1 and 6 January, 9.00 to 14.00 h

Fuente: Web oficial de La Sagrada Familia

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Asia Festival

The Asia Festival comes back for another year with a wide range of high quality events that share billing with initiatives of the Asian communities living in Catalonia.

The stars of this year’s festival are three productions that will come to our city for the first time: kathakali theatre from India; Shan Ren Band, the young rock group from China; and the spectacular performance by the Japanese percussionist Leonard Eto.

Moreover, the concert by the Pakistani pop singer Abrar-ul-Haq was specifically requested by the Asian community itself.

These fascinating shows are complemented by a long list of activities, organised with associations and people from Asian communities, which will take place in the framework of La Mercè Festival: a catwalk of dress and customs, playing games such as Ki-o-rahi from New Zealand, or the workshop of tastes and knowledge where we will discover the secrets of Asian cuisine.

The festival is between 16th to 26th of September in Casa Asia. It's located very close form our B&B in Av. Diagonal, 373.
Fuente: Casa Asia website

lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

Cathedral of Barcelona

The earliest origins of Barcelona Cathedral date back to a basilica with three naves, destroyed by Al-Mansur in 925. The remains of this basilica can be seen at the City History Museum. Around 1046, Bishop Guislabert pushed for the construction of a new cathedral. There are hardly any references to this cathedral. It is believed to have occupied part of the Gothic building but all that has been preserved is Romanesque.

Building work began in 1298. The Santa Llúcia Chapel, built in a late Romanesque style, already existed. Construction was very slow: the Crypt of Saint Eulalia and the choir-stall are from the end of the 14th century; the cloister from the 15th century and the retrochoir and the organ from the 16th century. The façade was finally finished in the early 20th century. Rather than Catalan Gothic, the style is Nordic Gothic. The façade is 70 metres high and crowned with an image of Saint Helena.

In the cloisters, for Corpus Christi, there is a typically Barcelonian custom: "l'ou com balla" where an egg is put into the jet of water in the cloister garden fountain to make it "dance". There is also a pond with thirteen white geese. Always thirteen, because that is how old Saint Eulalia was when, according to legend, she was martyred.

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

The Feast of La Merçè

The celebrations to mark the Feast of La Merçè will take place on 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th of September. This year there will be new events and entertainments that combine the tradition of a festival dating back centuries and the innovations of the digital word.

This year's guest city will be Dakar, and the Museum Marítim and the Parc de la Ciutadella will be hosting a wide range of events, entertainments and film screenings devoted to the Senegalese capital and its culture.

For first time, the Parc de la Ciutadella will be the setting for a new initiative which you can take part in, and which will fill the festival nights with the light, colour, and entertainments associated with the new technologies.

The sky will be filled with firework displays; the streets will host parades of "giants" and "big heads"; demons and dragons will invade the pavements, the square will be filled with dancing to the sound of orchestras...This is La Merçè!

Fuente: Barcelona Turisme

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

The Poble Espanyol

The Poble Espanyol, or Spanish Village, was built in 1929 for Barcelona's International Exhibition as a pavilion dedicated to art.
It is one of the few surviving landmarks from a world fair that is still open as a visitor attraction.
The Poble Espanyool is an open-air architecture museum and features replicas of 117 buildings, streets and squares from around Spain. Declarated an Area of Craft Interest, it is home to 40 crafts worshops where you can see artworks being created in situ.
The Poble Espanyol is also home to the Fran Daurel Collection, the Sculpture Garden and a monumental sculpture by Josep Guinovart. It also has a wide range of shops and restaurants.

The Poble Espanyol is open:
Mon: 9:00hs to 20:00hs
Tues to Thu: 9:00hs to 2:00hs
Frid: 9:00hs to 4:00hs
Sat: 9:00hs to 5:00hs
Sun: 9:00hs to 00:00hs
The normal price is 8,90€, but they have disocunt for students, family, pensioners and childrens.
It is located in Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia 13, in the Montjuic.
Fuente: Barcelona turisme