Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Montjuic: The night

The next 3 of July from 20 to 2hs, Montjuic offer the oportunity to enjoy of a great party.

The different spaces will offer you varied activities to enjoy throughout the night.

The "Festival of world music", the "Musical Action Barcelona", the "International jazz festival", the "Festival of guitar" and "San Miguel Primavera Sound" are some of the deals that you can enjoy this magical night.

The best way to arrive is by metro L1 – L3 Espanya. It will be open all the night.

Welcome - Birthday Pack

Would you like a special welcome in our Bed and Breakfast? Would you like to surprise at your partner?. We offer you the possibility to include in your stay an original Welcome gift to start to enjoying your holiday from the first hour.

Welcome pack cost 25,00€ and includes:

* Bottle of red wine of Spain
* 2 glasses
* Chocolate Candy
* Bouquet of fresh flowers

Romantic Pack

We offer something special to surprise your partner. Our Bed & Breakfast offers you the possibility to include in your stay an original gift to make this vacation, unforgettable days.

Romantic pack cost 55,00€ and includes:

* Bottle of red wine of Spain
* 2 glasses
* Chocolate Candy
* A special massage cream or Massage oil with special flavors or Sensual body powder with feather applicator
* A feather duster to awaken the senses
* Satin eye bands to give more mystery
* A very original surprise!

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

Sant Joan Party

The day of Sant Joan is very ancient festival which celebrates the arrival of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere whose principal rite is a fire.

The purpose of this rite was "give more power to the sun, which from that time, was becoming "weaker"", the days are getting shorter until the winter solstice.

Symbolically, the fire also has a function "cleansing" in people watching him. Previously also loosed the dogs to drive the evil spirits.

In Barcelona, you can enjoy of this party in some corner in the street, where the people prepare a fire with all the old thing in the house. Or you can go to the beach, to wait for the dawn while enjoing the fire, the music, the drinks and the friends!

domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Sonar time!!!

Every year in Barcelona during 3 days, takes places the Sónar, the advanced music and multimedia art festival.

More than 75.000 persons will enjoy the selection of artistic programme which combines the electronica headlines with the hundreds of emerging artists and DJ's.

The Sonar runs the next 18th of June until 20th of June in Fira Gran Via 2, in CCCB and MACBA. The best to arrive is with metro and buses. check here for more details.

You can check the progam here.

Enjoy this mega event as much as our city!!

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Colonia Guell

The Colònia Güell was first set up in 1890 on the initiative of Eusebi Güell, a businessman, at his Can Soler de la Torre estate, in the municipality of Santa Coloma de Cervelló, where he moved his textile busines from Sants, now part of Barcelona.

Social conflicts in Barcelona at that time led him to set up the new factory equipped with the latest technology- outside the city on a model industrial estate, with the workers’ houses alongside the factory, forming an urban complex with its own character, and social and economic life, supervised by the company.

Unlike the majority of industrial estate owners in Catalonia, Eusebi Güell improved social conditions for is workers and sponsored cultural activities. He provided cultural and religious amenities at the Colònia Güell, which were built in the current Modernista style by various architects whomhe commissioned, notably Antoni Gaudí, who was responsible for the church.

The talent of master builders is also displayed on many buildings, which is particularly evident in the variety of cornices and details on the facades.