Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation in Bed and Breakfast in Barcelona, Spain
Some of the amazing views in Barcelona

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

Parking near our Bed and Breakfasts

Barcelona, like every cosmopolita and touristic city, can be expensive and difficult to park your car. Anyway, if you decide to come by car, there are some points to keep in mind:

- If your car is registered abroad, it is more a target for thieves. In this case we advise you not to leave valuable stuff inside de car, and drive with the doors closed (locked), including trunk.

- Even when parking, be sure not to leave anything that might be interesting to the thieves (or help to assume there many things of interesting inside (for exemple your support to your GPS)

- The best is to park your car at public parking (to relax and enjoy your holiday and not be thinking about the security of your car all the time). Just a 50 meteres to our Bed and Breakfasts you can find a public parking. can cost around 24-25€/day. You can check the places and prices here:

- If you want to park in the street, you can do it for free in some streets of Barcelona from Friday at 20-22hs (depending of the street) to Monday at 7-8 hs. be sure to check the signs before to leave your car.

- If you park in a area where it is not permitted, you will likely receive a fine or have your car towed away. This can cost around 170€!! If this happens to you, you'll find a yellow or green triangular sticker in the same place when you parked you car with the phone number when you can call to find out where you car is it.

- The passenger of the cruises of Pullmantur or Costa Crucero have a discount on the cost of the parking in the "Litoral" and "Biomédica" parkings. You have to show the identification to prove you are a passenger.

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

The night of the museums

One year more Barcelona celebrate "The Night of the Museums", a chance to discover it in a very special way.

Next saturday 15 of May between 19hs to 01hs all this museum are free:

- Arts Santa Mònica

- Caixaforum


- Centre Cultural Metropolitá Tecla Sala

- Cosmocaixa

- Disseny Hub Barcelona

- Espai Cultural Caja Madrid

- Fundació AD

- Fundació Antoni Tàpies

- Fundació Arranz-Bravo

- Fundació Foto Colectania

- Fundació Joan Miró

- Fundació Suñol

- Jardí Botanic de barcelona

- La Capella

- La Pedrera

- La Virreina. Centre de la Imatge

- Museu Agbar de les Aigües


- Museu Barbier-Mueller d'Art Precolombí de Barcelona

- Museu Can Tinturé

- Museu d'Arqueología de Catalunya

- Museu de badalona

- Museu de Ceràmica "La Rajoleta"

- Museu de Cienciès Naturals de Barcelona

- MUHBA Plaça del rei

- MUHBA Monestir de Pedralbes

- Museu d'Història de Catalunya

- Museu d'Història de L'Hospitalet

- Museu de la Música de Barcelona

- Museu Egipci de Barcelona

- Museu Etnològic de Barcelona

- Museu Frederic Marès

- Museu Marítim de Barcelona


- Museu Olímpic i del Esport

- Museu Picasso